Outsmarting Autism – Updated and Expanded


Congratulations to Patty Lemer on the release of her updated and expanded edition of Outsmarting Autism which is now on the shelves at Barnes & Noble!  Of course you can order it through Amazon as well or get it through Target if you’re so inclined.   Better yet, go to the book’s website page to see all of your ordering options.  Here is a list of Patty’s book signing events and, as you can see, she’ll be on hand with copies of the book at the upcoming COVD meeting in Kansas City.

In her preface, Patty writes: “In the past five years, since my previous book was published, we have learned more about turning off genetic mutations through supplementation and detoxification, the importance of certain nutrients to eliminate specific autistic symptoms, and the preferred order of interventions.  Please read the chapters in Steps One and Two, and revisit sensory problems, especially vision.”


Patty has once again done a wonderful public service in devoting a detailed and comprehensive chapter to vision issues.  She uses very clear language in guiding readers through potentially murky waters.  For example, she defines vision simply yet elegantly as: “the learned developmental process of focusing on and giving meaning to what is seen”.  She continues: “The operative words in this definition are ‘learned’ and ‘developmental’.  Vision depends upon motor and sensory experiences.  Learning to use one’s visual system takes place in a predictable, sequential manner.”

I could rave about how concisely Patty helps readers sort out choosing an eye  doctor as well as understanding the indications for lenses, prisms, and vision therapy as well as dovetailing that with other therapies and interventions.  But enough promotion on my part — just order your own copy ASAP!  (And I suspect one you’ve read it you’ll be sure to obtain additional copies to put into the hands of key influencers in the ASD community in your area.)

3 thoughts on “Outsmarting Autism – Updated and Expanded

  1. Terrible title. Autism is part of who people are. I hope the book doesn’t reflect the ableist title. How did this get approved? It’s not about outsmarting autism. The need is to support autistic people and change the world around them to be a more accepting place.

    • Amber, I am sorry that you do not like my title. Many others love it. I fully respect your right to your beliefs, and beg you to be civil in your disagreement or criticism. I agree that we should support autistic people and encourage those around them to make the world a more accepting place. I also support those parents who choose to help their children with autism to become healthier and more functional, without being ableist. I have devoted a lengthy section in my book to the topic of neurodiversity; I think you would find it fair-minded. I truly do not believe that our goals are that far apart.

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