Carl Hillier, O.D., FCOVD, Appointed to Autism College Faculty

Chantal Sicile-Kira is a dynamic and fierec advocate for individuals who are on the autistic spectrum.  She has a vested interest in exploring which therapies have proven to be beneficial for autism, and which have not.  Why is Chantal so passionate about giving voice to these issues?  Because she was told when he was little that her son, Jeremy, was severely autistic and to find a good institution for him.  After providing him with the benefit of developmental therapies in California and abroad, Chantal did find an institution well-suited to Jeremy’s needs at age 21.  It’s called “College”.

It is likely this set of experiences moved Chantal to form a different type of college, one that educates parents, families and professionals about therapies making a difference in the lives of individuals with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.

I was delighted, therefore, to receive word from our optometric colleague Dr. Carl Hillier that he was invited to be part of the Autism College Faculty.  Chantal has assembled an impressive array of individuals to present continuing education lectures.  They include Joshua Feder, MD, who specializes in  Child and Family Psychiatry and  Neurobehavioral Medicine; Nancy Brady, a special education authority who specializes in the use of Assistive Technology in the general education classroom for those clients with limited communication abilities; and ASD icon Temple Grandin.

On April 9th at 9:00 AM Dr. Hillier will be presenting an invited lecture on-line for the college on the topic of developmental vision issues for individuals who are on the Autistic Spectrum.  Please share this information widely with other professionals and families who will be enriched by what Optometry can offer.


– Leonard J. Press, O.D., FCOVD, FAAO

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